Thursday 30 August 2007

Dream garden party

Last Sunday we were treated to a BBQ at Anne-Marie and Laurent's place in Bettborn. Their kids, Lucy and Tun, showed our girls round their lovely garden and shared their toys while the parents could enjoy a beautiful sunset from the terrace.

Wednesday 29 August 2007

Watch out, the Belgies are here!

Great to have Micki and Jaka round last weekend. They also came up with the suggestion to visit Chassepierre where the annual street-artist festival was taking place. Thanks again for the great day out, you two!

Sunday 5 August 2007

Medi-evil castle tour ending at Vianden

I couldn't fit in as many castles as I would have wanted but we, that is Maite, Javier, my girls and I, did get a glance at the castles of Bourglinster and Larochette before visiting Vianden castle with Carmen's parents, Carine and Juan. We spent a great afternoon watching the medieval swordsmen, dancers and musicians before relaxing in Carine's Merscheid garden. We were also spoilt with marvellous blue skies and sunny temperatures for a change.

daytrip to Brussels

this was already yesterday but I only downloaded the photo today for obvious reasons (see next post above). Maite and Javier are visiting us from Spain so we couldn't let them miss out on the Palais Royale, Manneken Pis, Grande Place, etc. but most importantly a Chevalier at Le Corbeau (que c'est beau) while the girls did their shopping...

a slightly more recent picture

we're not there yet but we haven't got far to go. The workers have left for the summer break but I'm still here so it's time for me to take over. First thing to do is insulate the roof. I may get the chance tomorrow because I've taken a day off work.

Tuesday 31 July 2007

Our new home in Mamer (under construction)

Obviously still under construction, silly
Luxembourg, 31 July 2007

Girls are asleep so I get the chance to start working on my blog. It's been so long I'd actually forgotten my password.
It's my afternoon off so I've been with the girls all afternoon. They kept themselves busy while dad finished cleaning up the house because Maite and Javier are coming to stay tomorrow. Actually I still have to wash the car so I can't stay long.
Just been in touch with Demy, Claudine and Ivica - schoolmates from 7e Lycée Michel Rodange. We're meeting up tomorrow evening for a meal. Should be fun. Perhaps I should quickly create a blog for them...